Reason for Policy
This policy sets forth the principles governing ASAs administered by the College of Arts and Sciences. They are established in support of the activities of individual TTF to enhance instruction, research, and other scholarly activities and services at the University.
Entities Affected
CAS tenure-track faculty and staff.
Enactment & Revisions
Enacted: prior to 07/01/2010
Updated: 09/28/2015
Policy Statement
Each year the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences determines the amount of funding available to allocate to individual ASAs. They will be funded for eligible individual TTF in equal amounts. Eligible faculty include all TTF at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor with appointment of .50 FTE or above for the fiscal year in which the allocation is made.
Unexpended balances of up to $6,000 remaining at year end in individual ASAs will automatically be carried forward into the next fiscal year. Any funds above $6,000 at year end will return to the College’s central account, unless the faculty member provides an expenditure plan for the upcoming academic year that is approved by their department head and divisional Associate Dean.
Retired faculty who participate in the tenure reduction program may expend any balances in their ASAs remaining at the time of their change in status. The time period during which they may expend the remaining balance continues through the duration of the eligibility for 600-hour appointment (not to exceed 5 years). They are not eligible to receive any additional allocations.
Upon separation from the University, faculty forfeit any balances remaining in their ASAs to the College’s central accounts.
ASAs are not available to fund salary augments to any UO faculty member, including compensation in the summer or expenses that would be considered in support of typical departmental operations.
Equipment, books, and other supplies purchased with ASAs remain the property of the UO. This includes purchases that combine funds and applies even if the majority of funds are from another source such as a faculty's personal income. Costs for purchase of equipment will be paid directly to vendors and will not be reimbursed directly to faculty.
For the purposes of this CAS policy, any tenured NTTF will be treated as a TTF.