Revision of Statement of Faculty Responsibilities from Wed, 04/26/2017 - 12:30pm

03/31/2023 - 12:00am - RTOs for 12-month NTTF (unrepresented career and pro tem) due to Dean’s Office for July 1 renewal
04/29/2022 - 12:00am - Deadline to notify career NTTF (non-funding contingent) of renewal or nonrenewal
Last update: 06/23/2021 - 3:07pm

We are justifiably proud of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences and the excellent way that they perform their duties. They take their teaching seriously, spending long hours in careful preparation of class materials and investing time in talking with students -- in the classroom, in their offices and laboratories, and in other situations. It is also a distinguished research faculty. Faculty members devote much time and effort to their scholarly and creative work, publishing books, articles, and monographs, writing grant applications, and presenting the results of their research endeavors. They also give unstinting service to their departments, the College, and the University.

Because the department heads of the College of Arts and Sciences have endorsed by consensus the following statement with regard to faculty responsibilities, it will become the policy of the College of Arts and Sciences.

  1. Full-time faculty employment implies availability any time University business is normally conducted and regular presence on campus, not only for teaching classes and for attending scheduled meetings and office hours, but also for formal and informal consultations with students, colleagues, and others who interact professionally with the faculty. These activities are essential to the functioning of any university.
  2. Faculty are responsible for meeting their obligations when on leave from campus during the instructional, advising, and examination periods for reasons such as attending conferences, doing research, etc. (This statement does not cover those on leave without pay or sabbatical leave.)
    • A faculty member planning to be absent from campus for five working days or less in a given term must ensure that all classes and other responsibilities are satisfactorily covered and must inform the department head in writing of these arrangements prior to departure.
    • A faculty member planning to be absent for more than five, but no more than ten, working days in a given term must obtain advance approval.  The faculty member must submit a request to the department head stating the purpose and dates of responsibilities. The department head will indicate approval by returning a signed copy of the request to the faculty member.
    • Faculty planning to be absent for more than ten working days in a given term must obtain written approval from the department head in the same fashion as outlined above. The department head will inform the Dean by forwarding the request. The Dean’s Office as well as the department head must approve all such absences.
  3. Regular class sessions should not be cancelled because of illness, accident, or other unforeseen circumstances unless absolutely necessary. The faculty member must make reasonable efforts to find a qualified substitute instructor for the class, and notify the department head of the outcome.
  4. Faculty who cannot meet their classes, or fulfill their advising and other responsibilities, should request a temporary reduction in their FTE appointment, unless the absence is due to illness and sick leave is used.
  5. Department Heads and Program Directors are expected to follow the same policy except that they report to the Associate Dean of their area.