
09/05/2024 - 12:00am - Sabbatical Requests for AY 2025-2026 are due to Dean's Office – New deadline is 12/16/2024
Last update: 10/09/2024 - 9:00am

Firm Requests

Tenure track faculty and some career faculty are eligible to be considered for sabbatical following at least six years of employment at .50 FTE or greater. For faculty applying for sabbatical in the next academic/fiscal year, please work with your ASU staff to submit the following materials:

  • Sabbatical Application and Contract for Bargaining Unit Faculty OR Sabbatical Application and Contract for Non-bargaining Unit Faculty, available on the Human Resources website.
  • Statement of purpose for the sabbatical. This statement also needs to include a description of the faculty member's current teaching, research, and professional activities relevant to the leave.
  • Current CV
  • For those who have had a prior sabbatical, a copy of the prior sabbatical final report.

ASU staff will upload the completed application packet to in which all applications shall follow an approval queue that first lists the Department Head/Program Director, then Jesse Grimmer for AY 24-25, and finally the Divisional Associate Dean (faculty email account). The ASU Associate Director will also be copied. Staff should periodically check approval queues in case a sabbatical application gets stuck at the department head’s approval level and follow up as necessary.

It is the responsibility of the department to verify the faculty member's eligibility for sabbatical prior to submitting the application, using the Cognos TTF and Career sabbatical eligibility report. Please also review the “Projected Term FTE” columns in the Cognos report when checking eligibility and notify faculty of HR benefits loss if you see their FTE would fall below .5 FTE as they have applied. Final eligibility will be verified by HR when processing the application.

Duration, FTE, and Salary

Bargaining unit faculty members may apply for sabbatical with the durations specified below. Sabbatical must be taken in consecutive terms. FTE while on sabbatical is calculated as follows:

Maximum Sabbatical FTE x Annualized FTE Rate = Actual Sabbatical FTE

Maximum FTE corresponds to the sabbatical duration. The annualized FTE rate is the regular annualized FTE of the bargaining unity faculty member. For 9-month appointments, faculty on a one-term sabbatical will receive 100% of their salary. Faculty on a two-term sabbatical will receive 75% of their salary. Faculty on a three-term sabbatical will receive 60% of their salary.


If a faculty member's plans change after the sabbatical has been approved, the department should submit a new sabbatical application packet following the same process at the original application through UO forms. Mark the top of the Sabbatical Application and Contract clearly with "REVISED." 

If a faculty member who has received approval for sabbatical wishes to cancel or alter that sabbatical plan more than 90 days after the Dean's Office approval of the initial plan, changes to the approved plan may require a reduction in the requesting faculty member's workload and compensation to account for any measures already taken by the unit to cover the faculty member's teaching or other professional responsibilities during the approved sabbatical leave period.

Post-Sabbatical Obligations

At the end of the sabbatical leave, a faculty member must submit a report of accomplishment and benefits resulting from the leave. Sabbatical reports are due at the end of the term following the faculty member’s return and must be submitted to the unit head, dean or director, and provost (or designee). Please submit your report to your ASU staff and unit head who will then forward it to Jesse Grimmer in AY 24-25and the divisional associate dean. The Dean’s office will forward it to the Provost’s office.

Upon completion of the sabbatical leave, a faculty member is required to return to the university for at least one year of service.