DESCRIPTION: This policy augments the post-tenure review process for faculty on administrative appointment or having completed administrative appointments in the College of Arts and Sciences.
PURPOSE: To ensure a comprehensive post-tenure review of faculty who hold or held administrative appointments during the review period.
WHO: Tenure-related College of Arts and Sciences faculty who have served major administrative appointments in the College (namely, department heads, major program directors, and faculty in positions in the dean’s office)
The faculty member will provide a statement that includes a discussion of the chief administrative activities and accomplishments undertaken during the period of review, along with those related to their teaching, research and/or other service activities.
For the third-year post-tenure review, the faculty member’s statement will be augmented by an evaluation prepared by the supervising administrator.
For the major sixth-year post-tenure review, the faculty member’s materials will be provided to the relevant faculty committee (e.g., the department personnel committee), which will prepare a summary sixth-year major evaluative report on the faculty member’s research, teaching, and service related to their department and profession. The committee report will then be forwarded to the supervising administrator who will provide a final evaluation that also takes into account the faculty member’s administrative work and appropriately weights it in the evaluation.
Faculty members who are no longer in an major administrative role for the College at the time of the review, but were serving in such a position during the review period, may elect to either follow the process outlined in this policy or follow their department’s normal review process.