Campus Visits for Faculty Hiring

05/01/2023 - 12:00am - MyTrack appointments for new TTF due to Dean’s Office
Last update: 12/11/2023 - 8:49am


To support a successful and inclusive search process, CAS will provide funding for a fourth candidate to be included in the final campus visit stage. Funding for a fourth candidate is available for units with large applicant pools (over 50) who conclude that limiting the campus visit to three finalists will inadvertently exclude a talented and competitive applicant from full consideration.

The addition of a fourth candidate for campus visit is optional, and the decision for this addition should be strategic and take into consideration the strength of the overall applicant pool, departmental goals, commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the objective of the IHP search.


For each authorized tenure-related search, CAS will supplement departmental funds by $2,500 per candidate for campus visit expenses, for three candidates and up to four candidates for search with applicant pools greater than 50. Units should contact Ellen Coughran ( for the index and activity code to use for campus visit expense tracking.

Note: other search related expenses, such as advertising, should be tracked using activity code FACRCT

Campus Visits

Each candidate who visits campus must be interviewed by the Divisional Associate Dean. In addition, candidates for an appointment for which a tenure review is anticipated in the first year of the appointment may also be interviewed by the Dean and Provost. In these cases, units should begin preparing a regular tenure file, including teaching evaluations and external reviews from individuals other than those writing letters of recommendations for the initial hiring decision.

To arrange campus visits:

  • CAS will cover reasonable costs for up to four campus visits, as described above.
  • Prior to inviting candidates to campus, the department head/director must receive approval from the divisional associate dean to advance the candidates. Provide your divisional associate dean with a list of candidates the department would like to invite, their CVs and applicant letters, and a brief justification/summary.
  • After this consultation, approved candidates may be invited for campus visits.
  • The Divisional Associate Dean meeting with the candidate should be scheduled two weeks in advance.

Campus Visits for Prospective Partner Hires

To arrange a campus, visit for a potential partner hire, the department should work closely with the Divisional Associate Dean.