Revision of Policy on Space Allocation from Thu, 08/25/2016 - 11:00am

Last update: 07/06/2021 - 2:54pm

Reason for Policy

This policy clarifies the authority for space allocations and sets forth principles for allocating space in the College of Arts and Sciences.



Policy Statement

Dean's and Provost's Authority

All campus space is controlled and allocated by the Provost; colleges, schools, departments, programs, centers, and institutes do not own space. Space allocated to the College by the Provost is allocated to departments by the Dean. Consequently, the Dean may change space allocation to units, and the Provost may change space allocation to the College.

Office Space Assignment

Because of a shortage of space in the College, priority must be given to active-duty faculty and teachers:

  • Tenure track faculty
  • Non-tenure track faculty
  • Graduate Employees with work assignments that require an office.

For retired faculty, we suggest the following guidelines, with the understanding that individual units will need to adapt them to fit local needs, priorities, and individual circumstances:

  • Retired faculty who are teaching will have appropriate office space during the terms they teach. In some cases, it may be possible to maintain an existing office, but this cannot be guaranteed. Either a smaller office or office sharing will typically be assigned.
  • The extent of sharing should be assessed individually based on continued involvement in instruction, research activity, service, and, in some areas, external research funding.
  • In all cases, departments should make every effort to assist faculty in making office moves and in preparing offices for occupancy.